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Complaints Policy

My complaints policy is as follows. You will receive a copy of this policy with my client care letter.

If you are unhappy with my work – whether it is the time taken to do the work or the advice given – please contact me immediately.

  • I will phone you back within 24 hrs and will aim to resolve the issue on the phone.
  • I will send you a written summary of your complaint and my response.
  • If you are still unhappy, you can request a face-to-face meeting at which we will try to resolve your complaint.
  • If you are still unhappy, I would invite you to set out your complaint in writing, I will investigate it and reply to your written complaint within 14 days.

If you are unhappy with my reply, you may make a report to either the Bar Standards Board or the Legal Ombudsman. (There are other alternative complaints bodies approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute which are competent to deal with complaints about legal services should you and I wish to use such a scheme. If you wish to use your chosen ADR provider, please contact me to discuss this including time limits for contacting your chosen ADR provider.)

As a way of resolving our dispute, we may choose mediation. Mediation is the process by which we both meet with a mediator who tries to see if an agreement on a resolution can be found. But note: if mediation is used neither you nor I is obliged to accept the proposed resolution. If mediation does not resolve the complaint, you may complain to the Legal Ombudsman (LEO) provided that you fall within their jurisdiction and complain within the time limit.

If you are not my client and have a complaint, and are unhappy with my response to your complaint you may contact the Bar Standards Board at:

Bar Standards Board

Contact & Assessment Team

289 - 293 High Holborn

DX: 240-LDE

Telephone: 0207 6111 444


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There is a specific timeline in which you must complain to the Legal Ombudsman:

(1) You have 12 months from the act or omission giving rise to your complaint to complain to the Legal Ombudsman;

(2) Or, 12 months from the date you should have realized there was cause for complaint to complain to the Legal Ombudsman. 

Please note: in accordance with Scheme Rule 4.4 a complainant must ordinarily refer the complaint to the Legal Ombudsman within 6 months of the date of receiving the lawyer's response